All the horses were on good behaviour, a huge improvement on their last dressage outing. No leaping through the air at high speed, standing on two legs or bucking this time.
Angellus behaved well in his test, he was much less spooky and showed off in his movements but occasionally lost balance.
Argentinus had plenty of presence in the arena and scored a number of 8's, even for his walk which has been considered his weakness in the past, so the work Ginny has been doing is making improvments.
Eires Rock also had one test today, their first test as a combination, he was a little on the bouncy side but scored well for certain movements and lost marks when he became tense.
Bonne Amie definitely earned herself a gold star in the first clas, the Elementary, she remained very calm and stayed in a nice balance throughout the test with the exception of one occasion. She too scored a few 8's in her walk. Her second test was less relaxed and she was more worked up but still good in parts.